Breastfeeding 101 for Naturopathic Doctors
What you need to know to better support your patients
Feel confident about educating your patients prenatally and helping answer their questions postnatally with this 3 hour CE course on breastfeeding.
An understanding of breastfeeding is crucial to have as a health care provider. Unfortunately, the topic of does always receive enough attention in the busy Naturopathic medical curriculum. This is why I am delighted to bring you this introductory CE course that will increase your knowledge about breastfeeding and help you in your practice.
As a Naturopathic Doctor and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant trained by Dr. Jack Newman, I have supported hundreds of breastfeeding families through their breastfeeding journeys over the last 6 years. I'll give you the basics of what you need to know.
In this self-paced, on demand 3 hour course, we'll cover some great content:
Module 1: The Importance of Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding's impact on the global community and the individual mother and infant
- The risks involved with formula feeding
- The international code of marketing for breastmilk substitutes: "WHO Code"
Module 2: Structure and Function
- Breastfeeding anatomy and physiology
- Infant anatomy as it relates to breastfeeding
Module 3: Breastfeeding Supportive Measures
- Topics to discuss prenatally
- Skin to Skin
- Latching, positioning, and feeding management
- How to know the baby is getting enough milk
Module 4: Factors Affecting Breastfeeding
- Reasons for common concerns such as sore nipples, breasts, jaundice, not enough milk
- Common questions you will be asked about mood, nutrition, alcohol, birth control, medication, illness
- When to refer
You'll also get:
- A downloadable course notes package
- Links to important resources for you and your patients
- TWO downloadable patient handouts: "Breastfeeding in my first week" & "Latching & Feeding Tips"
- PLUS "The Top 10 FAQs I get as an ND/IBCLC" & a quick reference sheet on common herbs used during lactation.
What students have said...
"Thank you for putting this course together! The top 10 Q's were handy to read!"
"Thank you I thought this was a really great course. Good for me as a doctor and also really good as I spent a lot of time breast feeding my new son while listening to the course and gave me great ideas as a mom that I will retain even better because of currently breast feeding to help my patients."
"Thank you so much. This was an excellent course!"
This course has been approved as CE:
- 3 Category A credits with College of Naturopaths of Ontario
- 3 credits with Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine
- 3 credits with the Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association
** This course was created with Naturopathic Doctors in mind but is also applicable to primary health providers like Midwives. Interested in having us pursue MEAC approval? Let us know ([email protected])!! **.
Your Instructor
Laura Kent-Davidson is a Naturopathic Doctor and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant passionate about serving new families and building the capacity of health providers and birth workers.
She is a proud Torontonian currently residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with her partner and their 2 young children. When she is not chasing her little ones, she spends her time managing Changemakers in Health, serving on the Board of Directors with Naturopaths Without Borders, and doing volunteer lactation and skin to skin trainings with midwives and health providers in Ethiopia.